Featured Ministries & Events


Sunday Worship

Weekly | 9:30am & 10:45am

Advance Community Church offers identical worship services beginning at 9:00am and 10:45am. We offer a mixture of modern and traditional music, usually presented by a full band. There will be a 35-minute expositional message that's helpful and relevant. A typical worship gathering at ACC is 65-70 minutes in length.

During the 9:00am service, AdvanceKids is open for nursery through 5th grade.
During the 10:45am service, AdvanceKids is open for nursery through Kindergarten.

Help us get to know you better by completing this form prior to attending.


Weekly | 9:30am & 10:45am

AdvanceKids is an environment designed for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary students (nursery - 5th Grade). Our classrooms provide a safe, fun place where children will learn about God and His love displayed through Jesus Christ while making some great friends! All adult teachers and volunteers have their PA state clearances.

During the 9:00am service, AdvanceKids is open for nursery through 5th grade.
During the 10:45am service, AdvanceKids is open for nursery through Kindergarten.

Help us get to know your children better by completing this form prior to attending.

180 Student Ministry

Weekly | 5:00-7:00pm

On Sunday nights from 5pm to 7pm, 180 provides a weekly opportunity for Middle and High School students to spend time with their friends, eat dinner together, and to hear and discuss God's Word, the Bible.  Students will be encouraged week by week to understand that following Jesus impacts every aspect of their lives, and that ultimately, Jesus Christ is the only true source of life. Please email evan@advancepgh.org for more information.

Women's Ministry

Weekly | Wednesday Mornings & Evenings

The Women's Ministry offers a Bible Study during the fall and spring semesters to encourage discipleship and spiritual growth. Morning, evening, and self-study options are available as well as morning childcare.  The spring semester is coming to a close but stay tuned for information regarding a summer book study! 

Men's Ministry

Select Saturday Mornings |  7:30am-9:30am

Several times throughout the year, we will have a Men's Breakfast. This will be a time of fellowship, discipleship, and spiritual growth. The next Men's Breakfast will be March 29th.

Systematic Theology

Weekly, Year-Round

Our Systematic Theology (ST) studies walk chapter by chapter through Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology. The goal of Systematic Theology is to study what the whole Bible has to say about particular issues. It is important for us to study, because it helps us to be consistent in how we form our beliefs, rather than lifting up some verses and ignoring others.

We offer this year-long study at two different days and times. Please email evan@advancepgh.org for more information.

Zoom Community Prayer

Monthly | Last Monday of Every Month 8:00-8:45pm

As the new year begins, we will continue using a combination of in-person gatherings and Zoom meetings for community prayer.  We will meet on Zoom monthly throughout 2025, except for February and November where we will meet in person for Prayer & Worship Nights.

Please join us on Zoom at the link below to pray for our church body, our church partnerships, and for the global church.
1. Vision - Hear how Advance will be focused on corporate prayer.
2. Don't fear - You don't have to pray out loud to participate.
3. Ask for prayer - If you have a request, we will pray for you.
4. Celebrate - If you see God working, let's give Him praise.

Singular Events

Child Dedication

March 23rd | 9:00am & 10:45am Services

Parents are the primary disciple makers of their children. We love celebrating and cultivating the partnership between home and church which is highlighted during Child Dedication services! It is humbling and exciting to see parents publicly declare their desire to raise their children in the gospel. By doing so, they are inviting the church to assist them along the way.

To learn more about baby/child dedications, please email heather@advancepgh.org.

Secret Church

April 11th | 6:00pm-1:00am

Years ago, David Platt taught and ministered among underground Asian house churches where believers were forced to gather in secret, sometimes at the risk of their own lives due to hostility from the government, from the surrounding community, and even from their own families. Secret Church is an opportunity for us to gather and intensely study the Bible and pray like and for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.

Radical’s Secret Church is a unique, one-night event that happens annually. Join us for a 6 hour deep dive as we walk step-by-step through the Gospel of Matthew. Pray and support the church in Indonesia, North Korea, Myanmar, and other hard to reach places. Be encouraged to make your life count for what matters most by following Jesus and making him known in your neighborhood and among all nations.

Register to attend here!

Ladies Tea & Silent Auction

April 26th | 12:00-2:00pm

The Ladies Tea and Silent Auction, on April 26th from 12:00-2:00pm, offers a great opportunity to support church planting work around the world. Come enjoy a delicious tea, have the chance to bid on some amazing items, and learn more about how God is moving! 100% of the proceeds will support global church planting! Deadline to register is April 16th.

Register to attend here!